After School Tuition

We recognise that learning at school isn’t always an option, but every child still deserves a fantastic musical education. Thats why we offer a range of after school options for students.
After school lessons - Home based
We now offer lessons for students at home. These of course help with the complexities of family timetabling, so provided there is a place to teach this is a great option for students. With at home tuition we also have a wider range of instruments on offer, so if you are interested in starting a new instrument this might be right for your child.
Costs: Lessons start from £28.70 for 30 minutes
After school lessons - Centre based
We have a centre in Shepherds Bush where many of our secondary school students come to take lessons. Our centre is open all week, including Saturdays. All instruments are taught, as well as a wide range of supplementary classes such as Aural, Theory and MAT clubs.
Costs: Lessons start from £27.70 for 30 minutes
Meet our Pelican Evening and Saturday School team!